

Let's begin with a quick comparison between how Monty and Python handle None. First let's write a simple validator function in Python. If the number is valid we return the number otherwise we return None. Pretty simple.

def validateNumber(num):
if num > 2 and num < 10:
return num
return None
3 + validateNumber(7) # -> 10
3 + validateNumber(11) # -> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType'

We can see that everything is fine when the number is valid but we get an error when the number is invalid. We'd need to use an if to first check the return value, like so:

result = validateNumber(11)
if result is not None:
result + 3
# Handle failure

Logic like this can become quite convoluted very quickly. Imagine if we had more numbers we wanted to operate on. We'd need to check the return value of each validateNumber call before using it. Now let's take a look at rewriting this in monty:

def validateNumber(num):
if num > 2 and num < 10:
return Just(num)
return None

As you can see not much has changed at all, in fact the only thing that's changed is we've wrapped the num return value with Just. We'll talk about what exactly that means but first let's try and use it like we did above.

3 + validateNumber(7) # -> error: cannot operate on types Int and Maybe

You'll notice right away there's a difference. Monty seems to be failing even on the "success" case. Why would that be? Well we're no longer returning num we're returning Just(num).

What is the Maybe type?

Let's start off with a definition. In monty (and many other functional languages) we have the following data type:

class Maybe:

If you're unfamiliar with data types you can learn more about them here.

The Maybe type is used to represent an operation that might fail. Most imperative languages use null to represent this (and python uses None). Maybes and nulls are very similar but maybes offer some advantages that we'll see in a moment.

Example continued

Let's keep looking at our validateNumber function in monty. We saw that we could no longer operate on the return value the way we would in python. Let's take a look at how we can unpack a maybe.

case validateNumber(7):
Just(result): 3 + result
None: # Handle failure

At first glace you might be thinking: "That's even worse than what python does!" and you'd be right. Luckily we have a few additional tools in functional programming that allow us to work with a Maybe without unwrapping it. The first one we'll look at is map. In basic collections you should have learnt about map and functors. In monty Maybe is a functor i.e. something you can map over. Let's see how we can use that to our advantage.

result = validateNumber(7).map((x): 3 + x) # Just(10)

You'll notice that our result is still wrapped inside of a Just. Rather than unpacking the value we operated on the value inside the Just. This has a couple of advantages that we'll discuss but first let's take a look at what happens when validateNumber fails.

result = validateNumber(11).map((x): 3 + x) # None

This is where we start to see the power of using map. Validate number failed and returned a None but calling map on that None didn't fail (like you might expect in an imperative language) instead it "short circuited" and gave us None back. In other words we can operate on the Maybe without knowing whether or not it's a Just or None. We aren't forced to unwrap the value to operate on it whereas with a null we must check that it's succeeded before we can use the value.

A peek at unwrap

Note: We won't go into how or why unwrap works we'll save that for a later portion of the docs. I would highly suggest not skipping ahead as the following examples should give you a strong intuition about what's to come.

Let's start with a simple motivational example.

def useValidatedNumber(num):
return if num == 5:

Here we have a function that we want to use on the result of validateNumber. Let's try and use what we just learnt and map that function into the Maybe:

result = validateNumber(5).map(useValidatedNumber)

Can you see what the problem with this is? It's not immediately obvious so let's take a look at the returns. Running validateNumber(5) gives us Just(5) now we map useValidatedNumber inside which runs useValidatedNumber(5) which gives us Just("Five") however that result goes back inside the original value giving us a final value of Just(Just("Five")). This obviously isn't what we want. What we want is Just("Five") on it's own.

Let's take a look at a naive solution:

def newUseValidatedNumber(value):
return case value:
Just(num): if num == 5:
None: None

We went ahead and rewrote our useValidatedNumber to unpack the Maybe value and handle both cases before rewrapping it. This avoids the nested Justs but we're back to where we started. We have to unpack the number before we could use it.

Now let's look at how unwrap can help us here:

result = unwrap:
validated <- validateNumber(5)

Let's start by looking at what the <- does inside of unwrap (it can't be used anywhere else). The <- operator can be thought of like a special assignment. The only difference being that it unwraps the value on the right before assigning it to the variable on the left. So in our case we know validateNumber(5) is Just(5) so validated will be 5. You should immediately be able to see how this solves our previous problem. Now that we have the inside of our Just on it's own we can simply pass that to useValidatedNumber.

The final line of the unwrap is what the entire expression will evaluate to. You can think of it as a "return" for the unwrap. We know that useValidatedNumber(5) is Just("Five") so this unwrap will "return" Just("Five").

At this point you might be wondering what happens if you try and <- a None value. Let's take a look:

result = unwrap:
validated <- validateNumber(11)

In this case result is simply None. After validateNumber(11) returns None we stop executing and return None. This saves us from having to worry about the None case in useValidatedNumber.

In addition unwrap blocks can have many<- lines. This allows you to perform as many Maybe operations in a row as you want. Rather than checking for failure after every single operation that can fail you can perform all your operations inside an unwrap and check only once at the very end.

I'll give one more example just to show another way this can be powerful:

result = unwrap:
v1 <- validateNumber(3)
v2 <- validateNumber(7)
Just(v1 + v2)

Here we're combining two Maybes into a single one without having to extract the values. As you might expect if any of the values on the right hand side is None then this entire expression will short circuit and return None.

Next up

The intuition for dealing with nested Justs and chaining Maybe operations together is important because Maybe is a Monad. The exact same concepts can be applied to any other Monad!

Armed with our knowledge of nesting and chaining we'll examine Monads in more detail and see some more examples that you're probably already familiar with.